
Having Fun Together!


Staying Social in a Remote-first company!

Clipboard Health has always been a remote-first company that gives its employees opportunities to prevent “lost hours” (the time you spent getting up early in the morning to prepare yourself to go to work, driving long distances to and from the office in crazy traffic, etc), spend more time with family and friends, and a work-life balance.

All of these things might sound great (and they are!), but It’s fair to ask how we stay social and help people to build connections with their teammates, and most of our applicants do ask just that question as they go through our hiring process. Building connections and friendships are easy when you’re in a physical office, but building relationships in a remote environment is a different story.

We’ve been remote since our founding and every tool we use and habit we build reflects a dedication to not only making remote work, but making it great in a way that accommodates familiarity, friendships, and rewarding interaction in the workplace. Here are the things we do to achieve that.

Leadership Offsite

A recent offsite meeting was held in Walnut Creek with all the leaders of Clipboard Health. This biannual leadership offsite is for managers to not only get to know each other but discuss topics like how to hire top talent and how to develop and coach top performers in their team. Managers share their team’s writing rituals, frameworks for grading their team’s work, and ways they “touch reality for themselves”. The goal of these offsites is to walk away with new learnings and ideas from other leaders on how to continuously raise the bar for your own team.

Product Offsite

Another offsite we hold on a quarterly basis is our product and strategy offsite aimed at brainstorming on how we can bring additional value to our customers and continue solving their needs. During these offsites, we visit healthcare facilities and chat with facility admins and coordinators to understand their biggest pain points. We then immediately jump into action by writing an investment memo on how to solve that problem. We not only brainstorm on how to solve customer problems but have fun as a team together during this time. We go surfing, paddle boarding, and have dance parties (almost) every evening.
As we meet in one place to collaborate and challenge each other’s thinking further, we also reward ourselves by making sure that we have the time to bond and have some fun!

#fun and travel

Slack is our primary communication tool and we have a #fun and travel channel where our team members can share photos of exciting things they did or interesting places they visited during the weekend. They often post pictures or videos of the incredible work locations they visit while working from home; it’s not at all uncommon to see a team member posting their location from a white sand beach.

The photos below are some of the photos that our team members posted in #fun-and-travel

We’re all foodies here and we love sharing our cuisines from all around the world
We’re all foodies here and we love sharing our cuisines from all around the world
Are you a dog lover? So are we!
Are you a dog lover? So are we!
Crystal clear sea, blue skies, and a couple of sweet treats are really nice when analyzing data
Crystal clear sea, blue skies, and a couple of sweet treats are really nice when analyzing data
“Workcation” at its finest!
“Workcation” at its finest!
An appreciation gift sent to a manager
An appreciation gift sent to a manager
As the company grew larger, more virtual escape rooms and in-person meetups happened with team members visiting each other in-person and virtual!
Our Product and Engineering team playing Among Us during their virtual happy hour! A quick escape from all of the coding, projects, and everything in between that they do.
Our Product and Engineering team playing Among Us during their virtual happy hour! A quick escape from all of the coding, projects, and everything in between that they do.
Our Marketplace Ops team having a virtual party as they celebrate their team lead being chosen to lead a new project.
Our Marketplace Ops team having a virtual party as they celebrate their team lead being chosen to lead a new project.
Meet some of our Philippine based Customer Ops Support Team
Meet some of our Philippine based Customer Ops Support Team
Our Customer Ops Chat Team having a blast as they get to know each other more virtually!
Our Customer Ops Chat Team having a blast as they get to know each other more virtually!
Our Sales Team meeting up in Toronto!
Our Sales Team meeting up in Toronto!

A remote-first company often needs to intentionally create channels for social interaction. If it’s left up to chance, we realize that social interaction simply might not happen. We’ve found there are a variety of ways to socialize in a remote environment and that each is an important element of building trust and relationships with each other.

Building strong teams requires establishing trust between a variety of people; it’s the cornerstone of effective teamwork. It’s not just about productivity, though; the value of the employee experience remains the same whether you work remotely or in an office setting, and nurturing those connections is a huge part of providing that value.

Socializing with coworkers in the remote working world presents an entirely different set of problems compared to traditional offices, but establishing connections across borders and time zones also opens up a whole new set of exciting possibilities. We’re fortunate as a company to be able to build these connections and form a deeper level of trust within each team and within the organization.

We’re excited for you to experience all of this with us as we continue to work on building the perfect remote work environment. Whether it’s virtually or in person, we look forward to seeing you soon! Explore how you can be a part of the team here!